Sunday, April 25, 2010

Babbling... sort of

He's learning what his voice can really do...
Kick the tires and light the fires big daddy

Coming soon to a theatre near you:

Fast and the Furious 4: The rise of Shoebox Racing

"And in this corner, weighing 17 lbs 4 ozs, with a sumo record of 2 wins and 0 losses......
Holden "why are my parents doing this to me" Merrell!!!!

I'm a big boy in my big high chair!

Bulking up baby-style

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Stand up and celebrate my six month birthday!

Check out my new kicks

A giggle

Ready for the outdoors Mate!

This bonding is great and all, guys, but you are getting a little too close for comfort.

3 of a kind!

they must both be thinking of the same thing, because they are both giving the same look with their eyes

Holden has been taking an interest in the dogs. We are trying not to take it personally that he laughs more at them then at us...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mom termed this as my "happy flaps"

Mom gave me a haircut!!

It's still out of control, don't worry!

No, mom. This is how you use this thing. There is the most amazing tag in here! I'll share if you want!

The phone's been ringing off the hook!

"oh nothin, just chillin here in my dipe.."

That's not how I put you in your crib!!

5 Tootsie Rolls, yum

Pizza is a solid!

I'm sure the dr would approve